Amber Rose did a parody of Vanilla Ice‘s hit hip-hop classic at the Republican National Convention — and if you’re wondering if the man himself is bent outta shape about … well, we have an answer.
Vanilla tells TMZ … he does indeed have ownership rights to “Ice Ice Baby” — the track that Amber and rapper Forgiato Blow spoofed to promo their support of Donald Trump at the convention this week — and VI notes he didn’t approve the track to be used for GOP purposes.

He goes on to tell us that the publishing company that also holds rights to the song didn’t clear it either — which is why it got yanked off of YouTube … but in terms of whether Vanilla is actually upset about it … it doesn’t really sound like he is.
As he explains … he ain’t really all that political — noting he doesn’t vote and never has — and goes on to say he’s got friends on both sides of the aisle … so he walks the line.
Vanilla Ice also tells us he’ll perform for anyone willing to cut him a check … saying if Joe Biden‘s family wanted to book for him a gig, he’d be there in a heartbeat. In the same breath, Vanilla says he got a kick out of the fact ‘IIB’ got played to hype up DT.
As it turns out … Vanilla says DT is actually a pal of his — telling us he’s been his neighbor in Palm Beach for years, noting he knows the family and thinks they’re wonderful people.

Vanilla says he just does his thing and stays in the ’90s … and that’s exactly where he wants to be. Of course, Amber herself is on a different wavelength these days — she’s gone full MAGA and is proud of it.
As we all saw … she delivered a speech at the RNC, and seemed to be well-received among the Trumpers/Republicans.
When it comes to Vanilla’s POV on all that though … sounds like he’s keeping that outta his mouth.