TikTok has launched its 2025 marketing calendar, which is designed to help marketing teams ensure that they maximize their seasonal opportunities.
Even better, TikTok’s also launched fifteen regional variations of the listing, so you can choose the calendar that best relates to your target audience, showcasing the key dates in each specific nation.
Which could be hugely valuable. You can download TikTok’s 2025 marketing calendar for your region here (with email sign-up), but in this post, we’ll take a look at the U.S. marketing calendar display.
First off, TikTok’s calendar overview includes separate, quarterly overviews, with descriptions of key dates and events to keep in mind, and trends of note.
As you can see, these overviews and notes also include usage stats to help guide your planning, and showcase the most popular topics in each period.
TikTok’s also a printable calendar overview of key dates:
As well as a description of how exactly to make best use its calendar in your planning:
These are some good notes, that can help to ensure that you’re across all of the major events and opportunities of the year, with valuable data notes to showcase the best opportunities of the app.
Of course, there is also chance that TikTok won’t be available in the U.S. to meet all of these dates and events, as the sell-off debate rages on. But even if TikTok were to be cut off, you would still be able to use these listings to assist in your planning, and map out your strategy.
The printable calendar, in particular, includes a basic overview of the major dates, and could be one to keep handy.
You can download TikTok’s 2025 marketing calendar for your region here.