In “The Studio,” Rogen stars as Matt Remick, the newly appointed head of embattled Continental Studios. As movies struggle to stay alive and relevant, Matt and his core team of infighting executives battle their insecurities as they wrangle narcissistic artists and craven corporate overlords in the ever-elusive pursuit of making great films. With their power suits masking their never-ending sense of panic, every party, set visit, casting decision, marketing meeting and award show presents them with an opportunity for glittering success or career-ending catastrophe. As someone who eats, sleeps and breathes movies, it’s the job Matt’s been pursuing his whole life, and it may very well destroy him. “The Studio” assembles a star-studded ensemble cast including Emmy, SAG and Golden Globe Award winner Catherine O’Hara, Emmy Award nominee Kathryn Hahn, Ike Barinholtz and Chase Sui Wonders. Academy Award nominee and Emmy Award winner Bryan Cranston will appear as a guest star.