
St. Mary’s County State’s Attorney’s Office Successfully Secures A $586,299 Competitive Grant To Continue Services For Crime Victims

Photo courtesy of Ceandra B. Scott. Pictured from left to right, State’s Attorney’s Office personnel: Chief of Staff Kelsey Patterson, State’s Attorney Jaymi Sterling, and Grant Coordinator Jessika Hall.

LEONARDTOWN, Md. – State’s Attorney Jaymi Sterling proudly announces the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy (GOCPP) awarded the State’s Attorney’s Office for St. Mary’s County a $586,299 Victims of Crime Act grant for fiscal year 2025.

The grant funds will supplement the Victim Services Division of the State’s Attorney’s Office by funding eight positions within the Division for a seamless continuation of victim services. Specifically, the grant will enable the Office to preserve one Director, one Deputy Director, five Victim Witness Advocate Coordinators, and one Senior Legal Assistant. The grant will also provide opportunities for crime victims to receive mental health services and allow Victim/Witness Advocates to obtain training opportunities essential to their jobs.

Since the beginning of State’s Attorney Sterling’s administration, the Office has successfully secured a total of $1,230,142 in grants dedicated to victim services for St. Mary’s County. This, in combination with other grants, brings the grand total of grant dollars received by the St. Mary’s County State’s Attorney’s Office to $1,428,692.

State’s Attorney Sterling said, “These grants are vital to support the core functions, operations, and initiatives of our Office in providing critical programs and services to crime victims.”

Sterling further emphasized the strategic utilization of external resources to enhance and expand crucial initiatives for crime victims in our County.

Jessika Hall, Grant Coordinator for the State’s Attorney’s Office, successfully wrote and prepared the competitive FY25 VOCA grant on behalf of the citizens of St. Mary’s County.

The Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy funded this project under subaward number VOCA-2023-0023. All points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of any State or Federal agency.

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