LEONARDTOWN, Md. – In today’s commissioner meeting, another important motion was approved: the Amended Railroad Right-of-Way Easement Agreement between the Commissioners of St. Mary’s County and the Hollywood Volunteer Rescue Squad. This amendment aims to address the current and potential future needs of the rescue squad regarding their parking lot and signage.
County attorney Buffy Giddens presented the amendment, highlighting that the Hollywood Volunteer Rescue Squad already has a parking lot within the railroad right-of-way for which they hold an easement. The amendment seeks to include a sign that would be brought in line with the parking lot, expanding their area within the right-of-way by a small amount.
Currently, the sign is positioned closer to Route 235 and might need to be moved in the future if the trail extends that way. This amendment would preemptively address that issue by relocating the sign to a more suitable location.
Barbara Wible, president of the Hollywood Volunteer Rescue Association, was also present at the meeting. Commissioners expressed gratitude for the rescue squad’s efforts and involvement in the community, acknowledging their presence and assistance at local events such as the Hollywood Carnival.
Commissioner Davis expressed appreciation for the Hollywood Volunteer Rescue Squad’s collaboration and the sale of property that will benefit the county, potentially adding to the Three Notch Trail and creating a farmer’s market in the district.
The commissioners had no further questions and unanimously approved the motion to sign the amended railroad right-of-way easement agreement. This decision is expected to alleviate potential future issues and streamline operations for the Hollywood Volunteer Rescue Squad.
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