Qualcomm has announced it’s hosting the “Snapdragon For India” event in New Delhi, India on July 30 where it will make “two historic announcements.”
Qualcomm didn’t get into the specifics, but the image posted by the chipmaker on X has an Indian-style artwork with 5G and AI written on it. There’s also the Snapdragon logo and laptops with AI on their screens.
Guess what’s coming? 👀
Hint: Next-level connectivity and performance, engineered for you.
Stay tuned! 🌟 #Snapdragon pic.twitter.com/vuYhaLBc9y— Snapdragon India (@Snapdragon_IN) July 11, 2024
This suggests we could see Qualcomm announcing a Snapdragon chip enabling 5G connectivity on budget phones for the masses.
Microsoft’s Snapdragon X Elite and Snapdragon X Plus-powered Surface Copilot+PC laptops were launched in India yesterday, so it remains to be seen if we’ll get more laptops with those Snapdragon chips at the helm at the event or if we are in for a surprise.