Paris Hilton‘s kids certainly have their mom’s energy … her son is ready to get out in the world and make a name for himself — ’cause he’s running all over the place!
The mother-of-two shared a behind-the-scenes clip from an at-home photo shoot … and, in it, she reveals she and her husband Carter Reum could barely get Phoenix to keep still — a recurring problem, she says, since he’s able to walk on his own.

Watch the vid … Paris is trying to hold back her squirmy eldest child — but, he’s not having it, and Reum holds his hand and walks with him on his escape from mom’s arms.
Good thing Poppa Reum strolled with his baby boy too … ’cause the kid nearly pulled down a light for the shoot on top of himself which would’ve complicated his otherwise simple life.
As you know … Paris is a mom to two tiny tots these days — one-year-old Phoenix and daughter London, who’s around 8 months.

Unlike other celebs, Paris has no issue showing her kids’ faces … and, admitting to each parenting faux pas. She’s made mistakes on social media and been called out — kindly — by other parents, like when she put Phoenix’s life vest on backward.
Each time, Paris has thanked moms online for all the great advice she’s getting … and, it seems she enjoys sharing all of the big moments of her parenting journey.
Kids really do grow up so fast … even the famous ones!