
New Crime Trend ‘Jugging’ Targets Bank Customers

CALIFORNIA, Md. – Jugging, a form of theft that includes robbery, has recently emerged as a concerning crime trend in Maryland. This crime occurs when a suspect follows a victim from a bank, ATM, check cashing service, or other financial institution. It is considered a crime of opportunity, as targets are selected based on visible clues such as cash in hand, bank envelopes, or cash bags.

Victims of jugging are approached, threatened with violence, or assaulted while the suspect demands the money or aggressively takes the cash bag. Authorities are urging the public to be vigilant and take precautions to avoid falling victim to this crime.

Here are tips to help you identify and avoid becoming a victim of hugging:

  • Be aware of surroundings i.e. suspicious persons or vehicles near the location
  • Record suspicious activity as mentioned above
  • Stay vigilant at institutions
  • Limit large cash transactions, utilize cashier’s checks
  • Mix up your routine, i.e. change time and location of banking activities
  • Conceal valuables, i.e. use trunk of vehicle
  • Use drive-thru services to reduce risk
  • Use caution at ATMs, i.e. avoid counting/displaying your cash
  • Discreetly handle cash, i.e. put money away quickly
  • If followed, head to a crowded well-lit area and contact police

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