Links 7/10/2024 | naked capitalism

Dog found zip tied rescued in Malibu YouTube 🙁

The Yellowstone supervolcano destroyed an ecosystem but saved it for us ars technica (Kevin W)

How to guard against the aggressive lone star tick species Washington Post (Dr. Kevin)

British Boarding School Bans Smartphones, Hands Out Nokia Phones Instead engadget. Haha, I gave up on my Nokia dumbphones only when I moved abroad and had to use a smartphone for ride hailing.

The growing crisis of long sepsis. It leaves sufferers with fatigue and brain fog – so when will the NHS start treating it properly? Daily Mail. Long sepsis???



Your semen is not immune to climate change ElPais

Stark warning’ as global temperatures hit record levels for 13th month Aljazeera

Beryl leaves millions of Texans without power as dangerous heat descends on the region CNN

Amid extreme heat, US infrastructure and transportation systems buckle under pressure NBC

Oregon County Seeks To Hold Fossil Fuel Companies Accountable For Extreme Heat ars technica. Filing here.

Pakistan Withers Under Deadly Heat and Fears the Coming Rain New York Times


Inside China-Focused Congressional Hearings, Panic, Paranoia, and Hypocrisy Reign (Kevin W)

China tightening its grip on leaky rare earth supplies Asia Times (Kevin W)

European Disunion

From Politico’s morning European newsletter. This is so childish:

THE EASY RESPONSE TO ORBÁN? JUST LEAN OUT: In Europe’s capitals, two schools of thought are emerging on how to deal with Hungary’s rogue Council presidency: Quiet quitting vs. overachieving.

THE QUIET QUITTERS are essentially delegators. Don’t send a political bigwig to Budapest for Council discussions. Send a faceless bureaucrat. That was the approach on display Tuesday, when only seven countries (plus Hungary) sent their industry ministers to Hungary’s first Council meeting, on Chinese EV tariffs

THE OVERACHIEVERS are looking for a more dramatic confrontation, boldly and creatively wielding the force of the Treaties to shut OrbĂĄn down.

Laying the groundwork: Most member countries have signed on to a Polish demand for a discussion about the legality of Orbán’s “peace mission.” They want the legal service to weigh in on the role of the Council presidency on external relations, and more details on the call for “sincere cooperation” in the Treaties, as one diplomat described the situation to Barbara Moens.

Pessimism: Ultimately, scenarios like starting the Polish presidency early don’t seem likely

ECB estimates suggest meeting current challenges will be impossible within fiscal rule space Bill Mitchell

After the French elections, New Popular Front swings to the right WSWS


War on Gaza: How Hamas lured Israel into a lethal trap Middle East Eye (guurst). From last week, still germane.

The Philosophy of Hamas in the Writings of Yahya Sinwar Orinoco Tribune (Robin K)

‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza +972

Shin Bet, Mossad chiefs to meet mediators in Qatar tomorrow for hostage-truce talks Times of Israel

Israeli forces push deeper into Gaza City as Hamas warns that escalation threatens ceasefire talks Arab News

US To Permanently Remove Pier Built Off the Coast of Gaza (Kevin W)

New Not-So-Cold War

High-Tech American Weapons Work Against Russia—Until They Don’t Wall Street Journal

US, NATO allies to deliver ‘dozens’ of air defense systems in coming months, including 4 Patriots Kyiv Independent. Even if they all work, note that Israel has four Patriot batteries to defend its vastly smaller territory (the eight it was asked to turn over appear to be some combination of spares and decommissioned ones).

NATO should not be party to Ukraine conflict — Erdogan TASS. This is sure to go over well. Not that Erdogan’s position is a surprise, just his plan to say it to a hostile audience.

Kremlin responds to Kiev hospital attack allegations RT

“Bombshell” Report Claims Russian Casualties “Much Higher Than Thought” – Debunked? Simplicius

Big Brother is Watching You Watch

US Nuke Agency Buys Internet Backbone Data 404 Media

Speed Limiters Now Mandatory In All New EU Cars Autoweek

Imperial Collapse Watch

Leaders head to Nato summit amid Biden doubts and concern for Ukraine Guardian (Kevin W)

NATO Has to Change. Here’s How. New York Times

NATO to expand defense industrial cooperation to Indo-Pacific Nikkei

NATO extending tentacles into Asia-Pacific will only end in failure Global Times

China Deploys Y-20 Long Range Airlifters For Joint Military Drills with Belarus on NATO Border Military Watch

Biden Agonistes

‘No one is picking up the phone’: Joe Biden’s fundraising confronts new hurdles after debate CNBC

Poll finds Biden damaged by debate; with Harris and Clinton best positioned to win Politico

Behind the Curtain: Dems who could decide Biden fate Axios

More proof the knives are out. Lambert featured this in Water Cooler but important not to miss. Dr. Pitts is a Democrat and this is NBC:

Some Democrats Rally to Biden’s Defense, Buying Him Time Wall Street Journal. Headline framing not subtle!

Days after his big Biden interview, George Stephanopoulos says the man won’t make it through 4 more years in office Business Insider

AFL-CIO Backs Biden as Labor Leaders Stay Silent – Biden Cancels NEA Speech after Union Locks Out Staffers – Teamster Prez to Face Protests at RNC Mike Elk


Trump approval rating tops 50% as he leads Biden on voters’ top two issues: poll Fox


Hiltzik: The federal government gets serious about gun deaths Los Angeles Times (Dr. Kevin)


64% of people not happy about idea of AI-generated customer service The Register

OpenAI and Arianna Huffington Are Working Together On an ‘AI Health Coach’ The Verge. This could just as easily go under The Bezzle. Corporate-paid health coaching was not effective (per various studies, and those bennies were often more substantial, such as subsidizing gym memberships) but AI will somehow make a failed experiment succeed?

64 office buildings in NYC could become new housing Gothamist

The Bezzle

Class Warfare

Critically Acclaimed Books Were Unavailable at New York Public Library as Budget Woes Hit June Buys THE CITY. Citizen-need oriented reporting!

End Austerity: A Global Report on Budget Cuts and Harmful Social Reforms in 2022-25 CADTM (Micael T)

Antidote du jour (via):

And a bonus (Chuck L):

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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