Links 6/25/2024 | naked capitalism

The Painful Truth About ‘Healing’ Crystals Wall Street Journal (Li)

The Case for Not Sanitizing Fairy Tales The Plough (Anthony L)

The falling birthrate threatens a disaster so costly no politician dares think about it Guardian (Kevin W). Shows a lack of a sense of proportion. The climate crisis is vastly more destructive, intractable, and costly were anyone to get serious enough.



Ending growth won’t save the planet… Curtailing economic growth will not save the planet from catastrophic climate change. Washington Post. The only reason that argument is accurate is we are past the point of being able to stop catastrophic change.

Bulk of UK renewables projects fail to get beyond planning stage Financial Times

Widespread protests erupt in Iraq over power outages as temperatures hit 50°C and above New Arab

Global tax truce frays over fears of US Senate deadlock Financial Times


South China Sea: Philippines’ anti-ship missile base puts Scarborough Shoal in cross hairs South China Morning Post

Beijing: new Treasury rules amount to ‘decoupling’ Asia Times (Kevin W)

Our China policy is a disaster for US security & prosperity Responsible Statecraft

In Rare Rebuke, U.S. Ambassador Accuses China of Undermining Diplomacy Wall Street Jouranl

The Koreas

US aircraft carrier arrives in South Korea amid tensions with North Korea Aljazeera


India shuns China’s calls to resume passenger flights after 4 years, officials say Reuters

JPMorgan Ignites $40 Billion Rush Into Indian Bonds Bloomberg

South of the Border

July 7 & 14 Webinars: ‘Venezuela Chooses: What is at Stake in the Coming Elections?’ Orinoco Tribute (Robin K)


Another Crescent: Iran’s Brewing Influence in the Sahel Region The Geopolitics

European Disunion

France could trigger the next euro crisis Financial Times

The greatest destruction of wealth in the history of the Federal Republic Nachdenkseiten via machine translation (Akos G)

Survey: France’s far-right National Party to lead first round of election TRT World

France, the new Popular Front, hopes and contradictions Defend Democracy

The EU liberals are ready for a financial struggle with Le Pen’s party International Affairs (Micael T)

Old Blighty

‘A paedophile’s playground’: Inside the scandal at King Charles’s old school Telegraph


Listen Deeply Caitlin Johnstone, YouTube (Dr. Kevin)

What role for revenge in Jewish life, literature and culture? aeon (Dr. Kevin)

Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile batteries risk being overwhelmed in the opening strikes of any significantly escalated conflict with Hezbollah Guardian

Israeli electricity chief faces removal after warning against war with Lebanon The Cradle (Kevin W)

Yemen’s Houthis claim joint raid on Israeli ships with Iraqi militia Aljazeera

Supply Chain Under Strain as Houthis Intensify Red Sea Strikes New York Times (Kevin W)

Netanyahu will only agree to ‘partial’ ceasefire, but not end to Gaza war Arab News

Israeli war criminals: can the ICC lock them up? The Cradle

Netanyahu says he won’t agree to a deal that ends the war in Gaza, testing the latest truce proposal Associated Press (Kevin W)

New Not-So-Cold War

Ukraine updates: Russia summons US envoy over Crimea strike DW

How are the US-made ATACMS missiles being used by Ukrainian forces? Gilbert Doctorow

The Ticking Time Bomb of Ukrainian Debt (That the West Will Have To Pay) (Kevin W)

Yeah, That Didn’t Age Well. Andrei Martyanov. Debunking a Sy Hersh account

EU foreign ministers approve decision to transfer profits from Russian assets to Ukraine TASS (guurst)

Poland mulls closing border with Belarus, minister says Euractiv


Julian Assange agrees plea deal, leaves UK prison and heads to US territory BBC

VIDEO: State Dept. Won’t Give Specifics on How Assange Hurt “National Security”. Or How “Russiagate” — Used to Demonize WikiLeaks — May Have Actually Been Israelgate. Sam Husseini. Husseini is not comfortable with some of the implications of the plea deal and linked bak to this post to show why.

Imperial Collapse Watch

‘Draft Notice’ from the Shop of Horrors Dennis Kuchinch (Robin K)

I’ve got a fever and the only prescription is more Peter Turchin. albrt


Trump promised green cards to all migrants who graduated in US. Then his campaign walked it back Independent. Dan K also flagged this report, which featured more pushback: Campaign walks back Trump’s green card promise Fox

“She’s distancing herself”: Melania Trump unlikely to ever move back to the White House Salon. The press really picked on her even though I understand she did great state dinners. They attacked her Christmas decorations and I could not see why. And the White House as a building is apparently a dump.


Exasperated Democrats try to stamp out talk of replacing Biden The Hill. Beware Streisand effect!

U.S. judges block parts of Biden’s student loan relief plan CNBC

The Land that Law Forgot: The Supreme Court and the New York Legal Wasteland Jonathan Turley

Our No Longer Free Press


Situational Awareness Leopold Aschenbrenner (Steve S)

Nvidia’s 13% Stock Rout Has Traders Scouring Charts for Support Bloomberg

The Hidden Environmental Impact of AI Jacobin (Robin K)

Apple’s App Store Policies Charged Under New E.U. Competition Law New York Times (BC)

Soaring Costs Put New U.S. LNG Export Projects at Risk of Delays OilPrice

Largest Auto Dealers Begin to Warn about Impact of Ransomware Attack Crippling Dealer Software Provider CDK Wolf Richter. We linked to this story a few days ago. Still not resolved…

Class Warfare

I live rent-free in NYC. Moving into a van has allowed me to save, avoid taking out loans, and live a life of adventure. Business Insider. Not The Onion

Amazon Labor Union, Airplane Hub Workers Ally with Teamsters Organizing Workers Nationwide New York Times

Blood on the Wine Dark Sea: History of Naval Warfare, Part 1 Big Serge

Antidote du jour. Ann M:

The third generation of the exotic escapee goose family in Roger Williams Park is doing well. They are cousins, I think. The slightly larger one is about 2 and a half weeks older than its 3 younger relatives. The other adults were nearby – a total of 10. One missing. Hopefully still around.

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here

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