Links 6/15/2024 | naked capitalism

In Praise of the Paranormal Curiosity of Charles Fort, Patron Saint of Cranks Literary Hub (Anthony L)

The danger of decadence is also its value. We need more of it aeon (Anthony L)

Are you a precrastinator? The opposite of procrastinating has its downsides Guardian (Dr. Kevin)

The $100 Million Quest to Build the World’s Greatest Golf Ball Wall Street Journal

The Daily Heller: The Little-Known Legacy of the EP Print Magazine. Anthony L: “For (us) old farts.”

Dementia Breakthrough: Brain Scans Predict Disease Up to 9 Years Early ScienceAlert (Chuck L)

Can Psychedelics Improve Mental Health? Quanta (Dr. Kevin)


Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to incite fear of China vaccines Reuters (Paul R, neutrino)


Uranium Price Surge Reveals a World Returning to Nuclear Power Bloomberg


What Western mainstream media won’t tell us about China MR Online (Anthony L)

DJI to the rescue? U.S. police want China drones despite Washington clampdown Nikkei

Europe risks trade war with China by hiking tariffs on its electric cars CNN

How Washington makes up a fake genocide but enables a real one South China Morning Post (Tom H)


South Africa’s Ramaphosa secures ruling coalition, but allies hold veto Al Jazeera (Kevin W)

Sudan’s army says it has killed US-sanctioned RSF Darfur commander Arab News

European Disunion

The euro’s share of global foreign exchange holdings fell last year amid concerns that plans to use frozen Russian assets to finance Ukraine could further erode the appeal of Europe’s single currency Financial Times

The rise of the far right alarms German business leaders Economist

Old Blighty

Nigel Farage says he is ‘leader of the opposition’ after Reform UK poll boost Guardian (Kevin W)


The international criminal court should investigate Israel’s hostage rescue raid Guardian (Dr. Kevin)

PATRICK LAWRENCE: The Afterlives of Lies Consortium News (Anthony L)

The story of the U.S. ‘floating dock’ built from the rubble of Gaza’s homes Mondoweiss

Yahya Sinwar’s Impossible Resolve Jospeh Jordan (Chuck L). Must read background. Note the one-para discussion of the Israel slaughter at the peaceful Right of Return protest. Norman Finkelstein has discussed the 253 UN report on that attack at length. Among the details are that Israel snipers targeted children and handicapped men 300 yards away, shooting (successfully) at their knees or below so as to inflict “life altering injuries.”

New Not-So-Cold War

Vladimir Putin’s Peace Proposal for Ukraine and Reengagement with Europe – June 2024 – ENG Subtitles Michael Ross, YouTube. Zach K: “Doc Rossi thoughtfully provides an index of topics and timestamps in the video description I watched about the first 15 then skipped to the ‘peace proposal.’”

Vladimir Putin sets out Ukraine ceasefire conditions Financial Times. Thin coverage in the Western media.

Denmark becomes first NATO member to invest in weapons production in Ukraine Anadolu Agency

US reporter Evan Gershkovich to stand trial in Russia on espionage charge France24

Nazi NMR is classified as a terrorist by the USA aftonbladet via machine translation. Micael T:

In spite of the Swedish Security Service not having any investigations going on against these three individuals. The Swedish vassal-government doesn’t even try to defend its citizens against unilateral terrorist-listing. Sure enough, NMR are unsavoury characters, they are Nazis after all, but when even the Swedish Security Services do not investigate them as terrorists, shouldn’t that lead to protests?

The real reason for the terrorist-listing is that NMR are strongly against NATO, Swedish NATO-membership and the Swedish-US Defence Cooperation Agreement (which is more like an occupation or surrender treaty for Sweden).

Big Brother is Watching You Watch

Wells Fargo fires employees for ‘faking’ keyboard activity The Register. Lambert ran the FT’s version of this story yesterday. Chuck L: “As The Register subhead noted, ‘Homer Simpson was ahead of his time.’”

How Data-Fueled Neurotargeting Could Kill Democracy MIT Reader. Paul R:

This is a good article. It says what Cambridge Analytica was doing with all that facebook data. Classifying people’s personality types, picking out the neurotics (who were likely to be susceptible to emotional manipulation) and spewing tailored misinformation at them, supposedly to help the Trump campaign. It’s only been getting worse since then. It demystifies stuff that I think a lot of us had picked up on but not quite understood.

The Caucuses

Georgia’s protesters vow to stay on streets until government falls VOA


Mexico’s tactic to cut immigration to the U.S.? Wear out migrants Los Angeles Times

Conflicts drive number of forcibly displaced people to record high Guardian

Imperial Collapse Watch

Crude propaganda? Rumours abound that Saudi Arabia is set to drop the petrodollar for the Chinese yuan New Arab. We said in comments yesterday that this was fake news. We alerted the Duran duo. Alexander Mercouris wrote back and said he’d spent hours trying to run this down and concluded it was baseless. He also concurred that the frequent claims made about the early 1970s US-Saudi petrodollar recycling arrangement were typically all wet. Alex Christoforu gave a short discussion in his talk today.


‘Brazen corruption’: Donald Trump is selling policies for a second term to the highest bidders Independent (furzy)

Biden. I am suddenly seeing non-stop Biden fundraising ads by Biden and Obama on the YouTubes by the Duran duo. Heretofore I was getting a huge number of “fix your slice”, generate your own power, home fitness, and in Thai, many many consumer product ads. Wonder if the Biden takeover extend to my other YT faves.

IN JOE MOTION Doddery Biden is ‘the worst he’s ever been’ – everyone is worried, say G7 insiders as video shows him shuffling away The Sun

What triggered Joe Biden to lose his temper at TikTok star and threaten to ‘throw his phone’ at a White House party as the president scrambles to earn love from influencers Daily Mail (Li). Anger and lack of impulse control are signs of dementia.

Kamala Harris is Biden’s secret weapon in North Carolina The Hill

The Washington Post’s Philip Bump Makes Last Pitch to Keep the Laptop “Conspiracy Theory” Alive Jonathan Turley

GOP Clown Car

DOJ says it won’t prosecute Attorney General Merrick Garland after House contempt vote CNN (Kevin W). Recall Peter Navarro is sitting in prison now for refusing to testify on the same basis, assertion of executive privilege.

Men-Only, Christian-Only Secret Society Gets More Secret TPM (Paul R)


Supreme Court invalidates Trump-era bump stock ban The Hill

The NBA Is Monetizing A Public Health Crisis The Lever

Falling Apart Boeing Airplanes

Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 Max goes into “Dutch roll” during Phoenix-to-Oakland flight CBS


AI candidate running for Parliament in the U.K. says AI can humanize politics NBC

Class Warfare

The Costco of Housing is…Costco? Urban Proxima. Paul R:

Costco wants to bypass the prevailing wage requirement for a housing co-development (or whatever it’s called) by installing prefab housing from low-wage-place instead of building on site.

Antidote du jour. Tracie H: “Here’s a Canadian goose who looks very pleased that there’s green blades of grass, and perhaps edibles that hide within same.”

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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