CHESAPEAKE BEACH, Md. – The Town of Chesapeake Beach announces updates on Kellam’s Field Revitalization Projects, as contracted by the Town Council of the Town of Chesapeake Beach.
The Kellam’s complex improvements at the center of Town are making great progress! These improvements are required to address storm water issues and land subsidence to maintain the play surfaces on the ball field, and the children’s play area.
After working through an extensive permitting review and approval process with the Maryland Department of Environment (MDE), Calvert County Government, and Army Corps of Engineers, the Town’s contractor has completed storm water work at the western end of the ball field over the last several weeks.
The new storm water infrastructure not only serves the ball field but also ties into a newly graded and improved Miller-Loveless Children’s Play Area. As the contractor wraps up their work on the ball field, they are making their way over to the Children’s Play Area to address the necessary site work required to install the new play surfaces and play equipment. To complete this work, the Play Area will be closed so that the Contractor can complete the necessary site work. Please adhere the signage and markings on site. The Town will provide updates on progress and notices on the installation of the new equipment.

The Town of Chesapeake Beach received a grant from the State of Maryland in the amount of $150,000 with the support of the Board of County Commissioners to upgrade the play equipment. To complete the project, the Town Council allocated the remaining funds necessary for the purchase of the play equipment and to complete all the necessary site work with total project costs exceeding $500,000. To view the full renderings and play structure of the Miller-Loveless Park at Kellam’s Field please click here.
Thank you for your patience as we work to make improvements to maintain this important recreational asset at the center of Town! Thank you to our Public Works staff for their on site knowledge and work to get the project completed without interruption to Fall youth sporting activities.