John Abraham and Sharvari’s upcoming film Vedaa, directed by Nikkhil Advani, explores themes of caste discrimination and untouchability. Set in Rajasthan, the movie follows an ex-Army officer and an ordinary girl fighting against systemic oppression. The film stars Abhishek Banerjee as the antagonist and Tamannaah Bhatia as John’s love interest.
Just days before its August 15 release, Vedaa received a U/A certificate from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), but not without significant modifications. Over 9 minutes of footage were removed by the Revising Committee, including a 2-minute and 16-second hanging scene and a 6-minute and 15-second court violence scene. Additionally, the film’s dialogue and visuals were altered, including the removal of Sanskrit shlokas and a text reference to social identities. The final runtime is 2 hours and 30 minutes.
The film’s makers had previously expressed frustration over the delay in certification, but remain hopeful as they prepare for its theatrical release.
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