
Investigation Reveals Motorcycle Speeding At 164 MPH Before Fatal Crash In Hollywood

Investigation Reveals Motorcycle Speeding At 164 MPH Before Fatal Crash In Hollywood

HOLLYWOOD, Md. – To highlight the deadly consequences of speeding, the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office is releasing the investigative findings of the fatal collision involving a motorcycle and a Hyundai Santa Fe that occurred on April 7, 2024, in Hollywood, MD. The motorcycle operator, Tiernan Anthony Stephenson, was pronounced dead at the scene, and a nine-year-old passenger in the Hyundai succumbed to injuries on April 12, 2024.

The investigation, conducted by the Sheriff’s Office Reconstruction Unit, has determined the motorcycle operator’s excessive speed caused the collision. Footage from the helmet camera worn by Stephenson showed the motorcycle traveling 164 miles per hour immediately before impact.

Following the release of the investigative findings, Sheriff Steve Hall said, “The impact of this crash has left permanent scars on the families involved; it is devastating. Witnesses and first responders are profoundly shaken by what they saw on April 7. It has been said many times before, but our message begs repeating: driving the speed limit and maintaining focus on the road must be intentional and habitual. The social contract between all drivers is one of the most important we make; it is rooted in the truth that every life—yours, your passengers, and those of others on the road—matters to someone.”

The St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office is committed to ensuring the safety of all road users and urges drivers to adopt and maintain safe driving habits to prevent future tragedies.

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