How The Instagram Algorithm Works [Infographic]

Are you looking for ways to generate more engagement with your Instagram posts? Want to learn how the Instagram algorithm works to understand the full process?

Borjan Marketing shares its guide to the Instagram algorithm in this infographic.

Here’s the first part of the process:

  • Your post is scanned to check it doesn’t break the Instagram standards:
    • Low quality picture
    • Watermarked
    • Clickbait
    • Spam/scam
  • Your post won’t be pushed (if it breaks the standards).
  • Your post is shown to 20% of your followers.

Worth noting, too, that Instagram recently shared an overview of its algorithm, in which it highlighted ‘watch time’ as the primary driver of performance.

Check out the infographic for more information.

How the Instagram Algorithm Works infographic

A version of this post was first published on the Red Website Design blog.

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