When we foster a more inclusive school community, everyone benefits. That’s what the Start With Hello campaign is all about: teaching students of all grades and ages about cultivating empathy, getting to know one another, and knowing when and how to reach out to a Trusted Adult.
Download this free starter kit today to bring these lessons into your classroom in a fun and accessible way!
What’s in the starter kit?
Start With Hello Pledges

Choose from one of two printable pledge options and start by talking to students about what it means to reach out to those around them. The pledges also encourage discussion about what it means to be an Upstander—a person who looks out for the safety of the school community and is proactive about helping others.

This activity involves 12 cards that students can cut out, pass around, and use as easy conversation starters with one another. Whether you want to encourage deeper friendships in your classroom, introduce students from neighboring classes, or even pass them among your coworkers first, these cards truly demonstrate how small conversations can make a big difference!
Treasure Hunt
This treasure hunt focuses less on hidden objects and more on perception. Students can get in groups and find places where they can de-stress, talk with a Trusted Adult, or even identify locations where other students may feel left out.
Start With Hello Week

While you can use this starter kit at any point of the year in your classroom, the official Start With Hello Week takes place September 16-20 this year! Find some inspiration for how to participate and continue teaching about kindness, empathy, and inclusion with a week’s worth of ready-to-use ideas.
So, are you ready to Start With Hello? Just fill out the form on this page to download your free starter kit of activities!