Maryland Digital News

EP 593: Naked Life Story – Sally W.


Sally’s drinking story is one that is familiar to so many of us. She believed in drinking together. Drinking was what held her together. It was the foundation of her relationships and it was what ultimately tore her apart. Listen as Sally shares how an abusive marriage led her to self-medicate with alcohol, and why things didn’t improve as she left that relationship and entered into another one, how traumas made her continue to seek alcohol and how she found herself stopping drinking together with not only her husband but also with her best friend using The PATH by This Naked Mind.

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to to learn more. Again, that’s We have all of our free resources, programs, social links and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

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