LEONARDTOWN, Md. – The Commissioners of St. Mary’s County (CSMC) will host a Public Forum on Tuesday, October 29, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. in the CSMC meeting room in the Chesapeake Building, located at 41770 Baldridge Street in Leonardtown.
Public Forums allow residents to speak directly to the Commissioners on topics of their choosing. Residents may offer appreciation, questions, or suggestions in a mutually respectful format. Those wishing to speak at the forum will receive up to three minutes to address the Commissioners.
Anyone wishing to provide more detailed feedback to the CSMC can do so at any time via:
- Email to: csmc@stmarysmd.com
- Mail to: Commissioners of St. Mary’s County, P.O. Box 653, Leonardtown, MD, 20650
Appropriate accommodation for individuals with language or special needs will be provided upon request. To meet these requirements, we respectfully ask for one week’s prior notice. Please contact the Public Information Office at (301) 475-4200, ext. 1340 for more information or to request accommodations.
CSMC Public Forums are televised live on St. Mary’s County Government (SMCG) TV Channel 95 and streamed live on our YouTube Channel at www.YouTube.com/@StMarysCoGov.
For more information on the Commissioners of St. Mary’s County, including meeting schedules, related documents, or contact information, please visit www.stmaryscountymd.gov/csmc.