CHARLES COUNTY, Md. – During their June 11, 2024, meeting, the Charles County Board of County Commissioners approved the county government’s 2025 calendar, which will no longer include Super Bowl Monday as a holiday.
The vote sparked debate over the topic as Commissioners Gilbert “BJ” Bowling and Amanda Stewart voted against taking away the holiday. The pair advocated for the extra day off as a way to show appreciation for the county employees.
“I’ll challenge anyone that comes up to me and says that they’re upset with me for giving an extra day off to a county employee because I know how hard they work,” stated Commissioner Bowling. “I’m not saying anybody at this table doesn’t appreciate our county employees, I don’t want to imply that.”
Commissioner President Reuben B. Collins stated that he received several complaints over county employees receiving Super Bowl Monday off. He also stated that he doesn’t understand why Super Bowl Monday is so important, unlike other sporting events such as the NBA Finals.
“Me even bringing this up wasn’t to have this discussion deteriorate to a discussion on pitting the interest of county employees to the general public, I was only expressing concerns that were raised to me. But, I stand by my request to gather a better understanding of this. But I appreciate all of the comments you raised about employees, I don’t think there’s a person in here that doesn’t have that same appreciation,” said Collins.
Commissioner Stewart stated that she never heard any complaints, instead, she received gratitude from several county employees for the day off.
“I think based on actions, it can be questioned that we’re not all on the same page in how we think about county employees so I disagree with that,” stated Stewart.
To watch the full meeting, click here.
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