
Cardin Response To SCOTUS Overturning The Chevron Doctrine

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) released the following statement in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo that overturns the 1984 decision Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council.

“I am deeply troubled by the Supreme Court’s decision today to overturn the doctrine of Chevron deference for federal agencies to set rules to protect the American public. The ideological right of the Court has once again set aside decades of precedent at the behest of powerful corporate interests and made a decision that turns back the clock on the ability to protect the public’s health and welfare. This includes keeping our environment clean and combating financial fraud in our markets. Technical experts at agencies, not judges, are best able to make these decisions in the first instance when Congress passes a law that requires subject matter knowledge to correctly implement and carry out legislative intent.”

“I wholly agree with Justice Elena Kagan’s dissent that today’s decision ‘is likely to produce large-scale disruption … this is yet another example of the Court’s resolve to roll back agency authority, despite Congressional direction to the contrary.’

“This decision is another reason why the Senate should focus on confirming President Joe Biden’s pending judicial nominations with qualified and diverse nominees who are devoted to the rule of law and upholding the Constitution. The Constitution and not political ideology must by the guiding light for our courts.”

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