LA PLATA, Md. – During their June 11, 2024, meeting, the Charles County Board of Education reviewed the results of a recent public survey regarding the renaming of General Smallwood Middle School. According to research conducted by Jack Tuttle, William Smallwood, a Charles County Native and former Governor of Maryland, owned over 4,000 acres and had approximately 56 slaves.

The survey was held from May 20 to June 4. Out of 646 people who voted, which included students, staff, community members, and alumni, 42% voted in favor of the name change and 42% voted against it. 16% voted no opinion. Students and staff were among the majority of voters who supported the name change, while community members and alumni mostly voted against it.

Roughly 79% of people who voted to support the name change stated that it was due to Smallwood’s history of being a slave owner.

However, those who voted against it stated concerns about the necessary costs associated with renaming the school and the possibility of the Board having to change other school’s names as well.

Many also cited Smallwood’s legacy such as his time as Governor and his service in the Revolutionary War
The total cost for renaming the school could range between $64,500 to $124,500 which includes exterior school lettering, school graphic window film, school plaques, school banners, and athletic uniforms.
Per Board Policy 7230, “The Board may not vote on the decision to rename a school until holding at least three intervening Board meetings after notification to the specific school
Per the Superintendent’s recommendation on the next steps, agenda items for further discussion will be scheduled for the August, September, and October 2024 meetings.
“Of note, if the Board agrees to take action to rename Smallwood, it would occur no earlier than at the November 2024 Board meeting.”
Charles County Public Schools will continue to accept input from the community through public forums and email at boardmail@ccboe.com
To watch the full meeting, click here. For a more in-depth look into the survey, click here.
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