MARYLAND – Baby Copperhead season is underway in Maryland, and many people are posting pictures and warnings on Facebook.
Baby Copperheads have bright yellow tails and are born with a full load of venom. Experts say their bites aren’t usually fatal, but they are aggressive, and they cause a lot of pain and a lot of tissue damage.
The LaPlata Police Department posted a warning on Facebook, informing people that Copperheads like to hide under things, especially during the day. They urged people to be careful when weeding. Animal Control experts also warn folks to watch around toys, dog bowls and flower pots as copperheads like damp areas.
Experts say if you detect the scent of cucumbers in your backyard, it may indicate the presence of a copperhead snake, and you should call a professional to relocate it.
Baby Copperhead season runs through November.
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