TMZ Studios
Here’s a frightening application for artificial intelligence … a system where human brains are implanted with memories of things people never actually experienced, which may be happening now … or perhaps in the near future.
TMZ Studios’ new series, “Strange & Suspicious,” is looking at unexplained and downright weird stories … like the possibility of computers being used to replace prison guards — or outright prison time. Stay with us here … it’s not as far-fetched as it may seem.
Technology companies are working on A.I. projects where people have false memories implanted deep inside their brains … which, in theory, could be used on convicted criminals.
Instead of sending them to prison for decades, the A.I. memory implant device could make criminals feel and remember going to prison for their crimes … even though they only spend a few days in custody instead of doing real hard time.

But, as our crew points out on ‘S&S’ … this may piss off the prison industrial complex in America, and open the door to a host of other applications … creating an extremely slippery slope in the realm of A.I. and the criminal justice system.
Police are already able to get false confessions out of people … could this possible A.I. tech be used to do the same?!? Some here in the group think it’s certainly feasible.

TMZ Studios
Now, there are some fun ideas, too … like someone getting memories from marriage and divorce without ever having to go through the whole process. Hey, at least there would be lots of sex memories to bank on in that scenario!!!
We explore the pros and cons of A.I. and other frightening subjects on “Strange & Suspicious” … click here to see when the show airs.