
Application Period For Calvert County Purchase And Retirement Fund Remains Open


PRINCE FREDERICK, Md. – The Calvert County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) and the Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board reminds Agricultural Preservation District (APD) owners the application period for the county’s Purchase and Retirement (PAR) Fund program remains open through Nov. 8, 2024.  Established in 1992, the PAR program is part of Calvert County’s longstanding effort to preserve agricultural land. Through the program, Transferable Development Rights (TDRs) are purchased, retired and permanently removed from the market to protect farmland from development.

The BOCC recently approved a new purchase price of $6,000 per TDR, which replaced the $5,500 price previously approved in September 2023. The county will offer to buy development rights from willing sellers until funding is exhausted. Applications are ranked by the formula established in the program rules & regulations and offers to purchase TDRs from eligible applicants and applications received will be made in rank order. There is no cap on how many TDRs can be sold by an individual owner.   Learn more on the application process at

The application deadline is Nov. 8 at 4:30 p.m. Applications are available on the county website at Completed applications may be submitted by U.S. mail to the Department of Planning & Zoning, Attention: Rural Planner Jennifer David at 150 Main St., Prince Frederick, MD 20678, or by email to For more information, email or call Jennifer David at 410-535-1600, ext. 2238.

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