Apple commenced the global rollout of its Vision Pro headset. China, Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore are the first four markets outside of the US where users can purchase the Vision Pro. Apple is scheduled to expand Vision Pro availability to five additional markets in two weeks with the UK, France, Germany, Australia, and Canada.
Pricing for the base 256GB version starts at CNY 30,000 in China, HKD 28,000 in Hong Kong, JPY 600,000 in Japan, and SGD 5,300 in Singapore.
Apple Vision Pro global pricing | ||
for the base 256GB unit | ||
Price | Available from | |
China | CNY 30,000 | June 28 |
Hong Kong | HKD 28,000 | |
Japan | JPY 600,000 | |
Singapore | SGD 5,300 | |
UK | GBP 3,500 | July 12 |
France | EUR 4,000 | |
Germany | EUR 4,000 | |
Australia | AUD 6,000 | |
Canada | CAD 5,000 |