ST. LEONARD, Md. – On August 10, 2024, what began as a minor disturbance at a local convenience store in St. Leonard escalated into a drug possession arrest, as detailed in official court documents filed by the District Court of Maryland for Calvert County. Deputies from the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office responded to a call regarding a black male allegedly yelling in the parking lot of Mom and Pops store on Williams Wharf Rd.
Upon arrival, Deputy Deinert, whose actions are outlined court documents, made contact with an individual who informed the officer that his friend, Royce Theopolis Heigh, had taken ice cream from the store without paying. The individual stated he had subsequently entered the store to pay for the item and confiscated Hiehg’s keys as he became concerned for his friend’s behavior, noting that Heigh was “acting weird.” The friend had called for a ride to pick them both up, hoping to deescalate the situation.
The responding deputy then approached Heigh, seated in a gray Volvo outside the store. Displaying visible signs of nervousness, Heigh attempted to provide a credit card and an Apple Watch instead of proper identification. During the interaction, as noted in the official court records, Deputy Deinert observed Heigh handling a folded dollar bill, which, upon further inspection, was found to contain a white powdery substance.
Heigh was promptly placed into custody, and a search of the vehicle, noted in official court filings, revealed another folded dollar bill inside a Newport cigarette box, also containing the same white substance. When questioned, Heigh claimed the powder was baking soda and implicated his friend, stating that the folded dollar bills belonged to him.
Heigh was arrested on charges of CDS Possession – Not Cannabis. The court documents confirm that the folded dollar bills were sent to the Maryland State Police (MSP) for further testing.
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