ANNAPOLIS, Md. – In recognition of National Voter Registration Day on September 17, the Maryland State Board of Elections (SBE) encourages Marylanders to make a plan to register to vote ahead of the 2024 Presidential General Election.
To register to vote, Marylanders can use SBE’s online application page or complete an application in-person at their local board of elections office. SBE also encourages those who are already registered to go online and verify their voter information is accurate and up to date.
The advance deadline to register is October 15, however, Marylanders can also register to vote during Early Voting (Thursday, October 24 through Thursday, October 31) or on Election Day (Tuesday, November 5.)
“It’s never too soon to make a plan to vote in this year’s election, and that starts with registering to vote. If already registered, check that your voter information is up to date,” said State Administrator Jared DeMarinis.
SBE reminds Marylanders who are on parole or probation, or have completed their sentence, that they are eligible to vote unless they were convicted of buying or selling votes.
Each year in the United States, millions of eligible voters are unable to vote because of easily prevented issues like missing a registration deadline, forgetting to update their registration after a name change or moving, or simply because they aren’t sure how to register. If you have any questions on eligibility, please contact the State Board or the local boards of elections as the trusted source of information for the election.
National Voter Registration Day was created in 2012 to help address such issues by serving as a nationwide nonpartisan rallying point to promote voter registration and help eligible voters across the country get #VoteReady to participate in our shared democracy.
Since 2012, more than 5 million citizens have registered to vote on the annual holiday, including a record-breaking 1.5 million in 2020 alone.