
St. Mary’s County Commissioner Meeting Rollup, August 27

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LEONARDTOWN, Md. – The Commissioners of St. Mary’s County (CSMC) began their business meeting with an invocation and the pledge, followed by approval of the consent agenda.

The CSMC then presented proclamations in recognition of Women’s Equality Day.

For their main agenda item, the CSMC approved the request from County Attorney to schedule a public hearing regarding the proposed changes to the St. Mary’s County Ethics Ordinance.

During County Administrator Time, the Commissioners took the following action:

  • Reviewed future CSMC meeting agendas.
  • Approved the FY25 Cooperative Reimbursement Agreement for the Child Support Grant.
  • Accepted the Adult Recovery Court and Family Recovery Court award.
  • Approved the Family Services Court Grant award. 
  • Approved the State’s Attorney’s Office FY25 Gun Violence Reduction Grant award.
  • Approved for the reclassification of the Administrative Coordinator position to a Coordinator II Marketing position for the Department of Recreation & Parks. 
  • Approved the spending plan for the Maryland 9-1-1 Board Trust Fund.
  • Authorized the Procurement Officer to execute the Contract Award for FDR Boulevard Phase 3B construction to the Great Mills Trading Post Company, Inc.

The Commissioners then wrapped the meeting with Commissioner Time.

The CSMC will not meeton Tuesday, September 3, 2024. The next CSMC business meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 9 a.m. in the CSMC Meeting Room (1st floor, Chesapeake Building, 41770 Baldridge Street in Leonardtown). CSMCdecisions and related documents are available on the SMCG website in BoardDocs. Meetings are open to the public and can be viewed live on TV Channel 95 or on-demand via Visit for more information. 

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