LEONARDTOWN, Md. — Leonardtown has been awarded $288,600 from the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) Project Restore 2.0 grant program. This grant “activates vacant buildings, supports small businesses, creates jobs, improves commercial corridors, and increases local economic activity by providing financial support to place-based economic development organizations working to improve the vitality of Maryland’s commercial corridors,” (DHCD website).
Leonardtown applied for the grant with two properties in consideration: 22720 Duke Street and 41656 Fenwick Street. Both of these properties are vacant and needing significant infrastructural improvements before businesses can move in and add to the economic vitality of the Town. Botanic Café will be expanding their thriving business into an adjacent space, which will allow more seating capacity, a larger kitchen to meet catering demands, and be available as a venue for rent. 41656 Fenwick Street was recently sold and purchased by a resident who owns multiple properties in Town. The space has room for two businesses and is in the heart of historic downtown Leonardtown.
Mayor Dan Burris states, “Leonardtown is honored to receive the Restore 2.0 grant this week continuing the important partnership with the Dept of Housing and Community Development and the State of Maryland in the effort to revitalize our downtowns and support our locally owned businesses.”
To learn more about Project Restore 2.0, please visit: https://dhcd.maryland.gov/Pages/ProjectRestore/default.aspx
For the Governor’s Press Release, please visit: https://thebaynet.com/16-2-million-awarded-to-support-small-businesses-and-community-revitalization-across-maryland/