
New Guidelines for Online Gambling Regulation • This Week in Gambling

A guide for jurisdictions considering online gambling regulation has been drafted by the National Council of Legislators from Gaming States. The proposed Model Internet Gaming Act will be open for public comment, commencing today and continuing through December 31st. The draft proposal, developed over several months by the select Committee on Model Internet Gaming Legislation, suggests a wide range of policies for state legislators, regulators and other stakeholders to consider.

In developing the online gambling regulation framework, NCLGS notes: “The objectives of this model legislation are to establish an effective, comprehensive, and efficient regulatory framework consistent with public policy that will foster public confidence and trust in the integrity of the regulatory process and the fairness of internet gaming operations. The regulatory provisions are intended to extend strict regulation and oversight over all aspects of internet gaming operations.”

Comments are being accepted in writing via email, and interested parties can also participate in a discussion to be held at the upcoming NCLGS winter meeting December 12-15 at Caesars New Orleans. The special one-hour session focused on this model legislation is scheduled for Saturday, December 14, beginning at 9:15 a.m. In order to be permitted to speak at the NCLGS Public Hearing, speakers must register in advance by contacting Sherry Amos at

NCLGS is the only organization of state lawmakers that meets on a regular basis to discuss issues relating to gaming. Members of NCLGS serve as chairpersons or members of state legislative committees responsible for online gambling regulation in their state legislative houses. NCLGS does not promote or oppose gaming but is primarily concerned with the regulation and economic and social impacts of the industry. The NCLGS Foundation is the educational and research arm of NCLGS.

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