
Charles County Commissioners Meeting Update, October 8, 2024

Charles County Commissioners 2023

LA PLATA, Md. – On Tuesday, Oct. 8, Alicia Afroilan, Engineering Supervisor, and the County’s consultant representative, Christopher Ramos of Hazen & Sawyer, presented a briefing on the current status of the Charles County Water Supply Program. The program was established to provide long-term water supply reliability for the Waldorf and Bryan’s Road systems and accommodate a projected growth in water demand. The presentation provided updates on a short-term effort to build an interconnection pipeline along Route 301 to connect the Waldorf system to the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission. The interconnection is projected to come online by 2027.

The timeline for a long-term solution to establish a new intake and water treatment plant along the Upper Potomac River was also discussed. The new intake and plant would add 5-10 million gallons per day to the water supply, and the estimated timeline for that plan extends past 2031. 


·       Johnny Olszewski, President, and Michael Sanderson, Executive Director, Maryland Association of Counties (MACo), provided an annual update to commissioners. MACo officials provided a snapshot of the organization’s efforts during the 2024 Maryland General Assembly Session and discussed zoning-related issues from two bills that passed into law.

·       Charles Rice, Planning Director, and Karen Wiggen, Planner, Department of Planning and Growth Management, led a briefing on the Fiscal Year 2025 Municipal Storm Water Financial Assurance Plan. The Assurance Plan demonstrates that the county has a sufficient funding source and plan of action to meet the requirements of its municipal stormwater permit. Commissioners scheduled a public hearing for Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2024.

·       Jacob Dyer, Acting Director, and Eric Jackson, Chief of Treasury, Department of Fiscal and Administrative Services, presented a briefing on Proposed Bill 2024-14 Revisions to the Homeowners Tax Credit. The amendments would change the county code so that the combined household income always matches the State’s Homeowners’ Property Tax Program. Commissioners accepted the bill and scheduled the public hearing for Tuesday, November 19, 2024.

·       Kayla Hunt, Communications Coordinator, Doria Fleisher, Community Engagement Coordinator, and Jennifer Harris, Chief of Media Services, briefed commissioners on the applications of various media tools to build community engagement, including the new “Stay Engaged, Charles County” platform. 

Department Highlights

Commissioners heard updates on the activities of the Department of Human Resources, Department of Emergency Services, Department of Fiscal & Administrative Services,  and the Department of Economic Development.

Approval Items

·       A budget amendment increase of $306,220 to support the Recreation Aging Fund Aging Nutrition Program to provide congregate meals at Senior Centers and home-delivered meals to eligible seniors.

·       A lease agreement for Blue Crabs Stadium.

·       An additional Public Hearing Date for Proposed Bill 2024-06 Zoning Text amendment ZTA 22-174 Mixed Use Zone on Oct. 30, 2024.

Viewing option of the meeting and the public hearing: Click Here

Next Commissioners Session: Oct. 22-23

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