
56th Annual Respect For Law Awards Banquet Held To Honor Law Enforcement In Calvert County

(Deputy First Class Kamrhen Parks|Source:

PRINCE FREDERICK, Md. – On September 16th, the 56th Annual Respect for Law Awards Banquet was held to show respect to law enforcement agents in Calvert County. The event was held by the Optimist Club of Calvert (OCC). The OCC hosts many other events for the community, such as Project Graduation and the Christmas Parade.

The banquet was held by the OCC for their Respect For Law Week. During this event, multiple Calvert County law enforcement officials were recognized for their performance and part in keeping local communities safe.

Their website states, “In July 1965, a discussion between Past Optimist International President Carl Bowen and former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover resulted in the birth of the Respect For Law community activity. This is the fourth most popular Optimist activity, with more than 1,500 clubs participating each year.”

“Our Club celebrates this popular program with a Proclamation from the Board of County Commissioners and the recognition and honoring of law enforcement officials from eight agencies serving Calvert County: State’s Attorney Office, Office of the Sheriff, Maryland State Police, Calvert Detention Center, Maryland Fire Marshal’s Office, Calvert Control Center – 911, Animal Control Unit, and Maryland Department of Natural Resources Police.”

Seven members of law enforcement agencies in Calvert County were honored during the banquet. They included the following people.

  • Christina Havey-Santivasci – Public Safety Dispatcher II
  • Hannah Kneel – Animal Control Officer
  • Jason Kreider – Police Corporal
  • Anthony R. Navalaney – Assistant State’s Attorney
  • Ronald Richardson – Master Deputy
  • Robert “Bob” Kreczmer – Trooper First Class
  • Kamrhen Parks – Deputy First Class

The honoring of law enforcement officers congratulates those who bring order to local communities. It also helps residents recognize officers and officials who have performed specific acts of goodwill throughout the year. Law enforcement agencies in Calvert County also host events that help bring the local Maryland towns together.


The Calvert County Sheriff’s Office is holding a Law Enforcement Torch Run in support of the Special Olympics on October 5th to raise funds for the Special Olympics movement. Events like this display the level of community involvement that law enforcement agencies have in Calvert County and why it’s important to recognize the individual officials who are responsible for community outreach.

In addition, honoring law enforcement officials from different sectors helps shed light on everyday heroes who don’t get enough credit, such as animal control officers. The banquet went well, and the honorees accepted their award plaques.

We reached out to the Optimist Club of Calvert for comment. President Krista Brezina responded, “Over a quarter of a million law enforcement officers have been honored by Optimist Clubs around the world since Optimist International started the program over 50 years ago. The Optimist Clubs of Calvert-Prince Frederick and Solomons are proud to continue this tradition with our 56th Annual Respect for Law recognition. Optimism is more than just a disposition; it’s a way of life. It’s about approaching life with a positive outlook, even in the face of challenges and setbacks.  Optimists are often self-motivated, resilient, and have a desire to persevere instead of quitting. This year’s Respect for Law honorees share these same traits.”

The club’s President continued, “Before the awards were given out, Respect for Law Program Chair Philip Mohler was thanked for chairing this important event for the Optimist Clubs of Calvert and Solomons for over twenty years.”

About The Optimist Club Of Calvert

The Optimist Club Of Calvert is a non-profit that is operated by volunteer members. Their priority is to assist children in their path to betterment through community events and programs, although they also offer community outreach programs for adults.

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