
Meet the extraordinary priest who saved a soul, a marriage and a family

Kevin Wells delivers dramatic story of his wife’s recovery from alcoholism during the COVID-19 pandemic in new book

SAN FRANCISCO — For one family who had been drudging through the depths of hell, the pandemic was a welcome peace that brought healing and freedom because of one priest who answered the call of Jesus instead of the world. This story is masterfully told by Kevin Wells in the new book, THE HERMIT: THE PRIEST WHO SAVED A SOUL, A MARRIAGE, AND A FAMILY (Ignatius Press).

Wells is a former Major League Baseball writer, award-winning journalist and Catholic speaker. He is the author of Priest and Beggar: The Heroic Life of Venerable Aloysius SchwartzThe Priests We Need to Save the Church, and Burst. Kevin is an active evangelist, writer and podcaster (One 2 One Podcast) who has presented at conferences and seminaries nationally and internationally. He lives in Maryland with his wife and children.

Wells’ wife, Krista, had been in the throws of alcoholism when the pandemic hit and isolation would have surely brought her to destruction. In THE HERMIT, Wells tells the harrowing tale of how Father Flum clung to his priesthood and the suffering of Christ while shepherding Krista away from the claws of the evil one.

In the journey from darkness to light, three lives — Krista, Kevin and Father Flum, a parish-priest-turned-hermit — became forever entwined. It is a different kind of love story. THE HERMIT is a true account of marital survival, a holy priest, redemption and even the miraculous, where imprisoned shame and sin are transformed into the joy of freedom.

“A harrowing, utterly candid account of a married Catholic couple struggling with the bondage of addiction, as well as a biopsy of a Church and a nation afflicted with moral confusion, fears, hatreds and seemingly irresolvable conflicts,” said Michael D. O’Brien, author of Father Elijah: An Apocalypse. “The author teaches us numerous ways to personally resist the devil and grow in love and peace. This phenomenal story should be read by every shepherd of souls — indeed by all those who seek to follow Jesus wholeheartedly.”

For more information, to request a media review copy, or to schedule an interview with Kevin Wells, please contact Andrea Boring (480-369-8634 or of Carmel Communications. 


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