
110 Cheesy Science Jokes To Lighten the Lab

Science can be a heavy topic. Whether you’re learning or teaching, all that deep thinking can sometimes give you a brain cramp! Thank goodness science can be pretty humorous too. Here are our favorite cheesy science jokes and funny memes to share with your students. These science jokes are just the formula you need for a few good laughs.

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Biology Jokes

1. Why did the germ cross the microscope?

Science jokes: Why did the germ cross the microscope? To get to the other slide.

To get to the other slide.

2. Two blood cells met and fell in love.

Example of science jokes: Two blood cells met and fell in love. Alas, it was all in vein.

Alas, it was all in vein.

3. What do you call a biologist’s self-portrait?

What do you call a biologist’s self-portrait? A cell-fie.

A cell-fie.

4. What do phlebotomists say before they take your blood?

Science jokes: What do phlebotomists say before they take your blood? B positive!

B positive!

5. What do protons and life coaches have in common?

Example of science jokes: What do protons and life coaches have in common? They know how to stay positive.

They know how to stay positive.

6. What did the helpless T cell say when facing the infection?

What did the helpless T cell say when facing the infection? Is there antibody out there?

Is there antibody out there?

7. Why do researchers look forward to Fridays?

Science jokes: Why do researchers look forward to Fridays? They can wear genes to work.

They can wear genes to work.

8. Why did the physicist break up with the biologist?

Why did the physicist break up with the biologist? There was no chemistry.

There was no chemistry.

9. Why do plants hate algebra?

Example of science jokes: Why do plants hate algebra? It gives them square roots.

It gives them square roots.

10. Why did the mushroom get invited to all the parties?

Why did the mushroom get invited to all the parties?

Because he was a fungi.

11. What do you call a cow with no legs?

 What do you call a cow with no legs?

Ground beef.

12. Why did the fish blush?

Why did the fish blush?

Because it saw the ocean’s bottom.

13. What did one DNA say to the other DNA?

What did one DNA say to the other DNA?

Do these genes make me look fat?

14. Why did the amoeba fail its math test?

Why did the amoeba fail its math test?

Because it multiplied by dividing.

15. What did the femur say to the patella?

What did the femur say to the patella?

I knee’d you!

Chemistry Jokes

16. I was reading a book on helium.

Science jokes: I was reading a book on helium. I couldn't put it down!

I couldn’t put it down!

17. Why is the pH of YouTube very stable?

Example of science jokes: Why is the pH of YouTube very stable? Because it constantly buffers.

Because it constantly buffers.

18. What do you call an acid with an attitude?

What do you call an acid with an attitude? A-mean-oh-acid.

A-mean-oh acid.

19. Why are chemists great for solving problems?

Why are chemists great for solving problems? They have all the solutions.

They have all the solutions.

20. I lost an electron!

Science jokes: I lost an electron! Are you positive?

Are you positive?

21. What did the scientist say to the chemist whose lab smelled like eggs?

Example of science jokes: What did the scientist say to the chemist whose lab smelled like eggs? Sorry for your sulfering.

Sorry for your sulfering.

22. Where did the chemist have his lunch?

Example of science jokes: Where did the chemist have his lunch? On a periodic table.

On a periodic table.

23. Why did the chemist hang up periodic table posters everywhere?

Why did the chemist hang up periodic table posters everywhere? It made him feel like he was in his element.

It made him feel like he was in his element.

24. Why is combining a proton and an electron to make a neutron so popular?

Science jokes: Why is combining a proton and an electron to make a neutron so popular? It’s free of charge.

It’s free of charge.

25. What’s a pirate’s favorite element?

What’s a pirate’s favorite element? Aaaaargon.


26. Why do chemists love nitrates so much?

Why do chemists love nitrates so much?

They’re cheaper than day rates.

27. What do you do with a dead chemist?

What do you do with a dead chemist?


28. Why do elements make terrible friends?

 Why do elements make terrible friends?

They’re always reacting.

29. Why are metals so calm?

Why are metals so calm?

They don’t easily get alloyed.

30. Why did sodium break up with chlorine?

Why did sodium break up with chlorine?

Because it felt salty.

31. Why was the molecule so calm?

Why was the molecule so calm?

It was in a stable relationship.

32. What’s a chemist’s favorite plant?

What’s a chemist’s favorite plant?

An ele-mint.

33. Why don’t we ever gossip in chemistry class?

Why don’t we ever gossip in chemistry class?

Too many reactions.

34. Want to hear a potassium joke?

Want to hear a potassium joke?


Geology Jokes

35. What did one tectonic plate say when it bumped into another?

What did one tectonic plate say when it bumped into another?

“Sorry, my fault!”

36. What did the limestone say to the geologist?

Example of science jokes: What did the limestone say to the geologist? Don’t take me for granite!

Don’t take me for granite!

37. Why don’t geologists like scary movies?

Science jokes: Why don’t geologists like scary movies? Because they’re petrified.

Because they’re petrified.

38. How do geologists ask each other out?

Example of science jokes: How do geologists ask each other out? They say, “Are you a carbon sample? Because I’d love to date you.”

They say, “Are you a carbon sample? Because I’d love to date you.”

39. What does a rock want to be when it grows up?

What does a rock want to be when it grows up?

A little boulder.

40. What did the earthquake say to the volcano?

What did the earthquake say to the volcano?

You’re a hot mess!

41. Why are mountains so funny?

Why are mountains so funny?

Because they’re hill areas.

42. What’s a geologist’s favorite type of music?

What’s a geologist’s favorite type of music?


43. Why are some rocks so easygoing?

Why are some rocks so easygoing?

They’re sedimentary, my dear.

44. Why can’t you play hide-and-seek with a mountain?

Why can’t you play hide-and-seek with a mountain?

It always peaks.

45. Why are geologists so calm?

Why are geologists so calm?

They just take everything in strata.

Physics Jokes

46. A group of protesters in front of a physics lab:

A group of protesters in front of a physics lab: What do we want? Time travel! When do we want it? Irrelevant!

What do we want? Time travel! When do we want it? Irrelevant!

47. Since light travels faster than sound …

Since light travels faster than sound ... People may appear bright until you hear them speak.

People may appear bright until you hear them speak.

48. Why does a burger have less energy than a steak?

Science jokes: Why does a burger have less energy than a steak? A burger is in its ground state.

A burger is in its ground state.

49. Why is the dieting advice to “eat light” so dangerous?

Why is the dieting advice to “eat light” so dangerous? That’s how you become a black hole.

That’s how you become a black hole.

50. How do you throw a party in space?

How do you throw a party in space? You planet.

You planet.

51. What did the proton say to the electron to start a fight?

Science jokes: What did the proton say to the electron to start a fight? I’m sick of your negativity.

I’m sick of your negativity.

52. Why can’t you trust an atom’s jokes?

Why can’t you trust an atom’s jokes?

They always go nuclear.

53. How do photons get around?

 How do photons get around?

They take the light rail.

54. What’s a physicist’s favorite amusement park ride?

What’s a physicist’s favorite amusement park ride?

The Gravitron.

55. How does the universe hold a party?

How does the universe hold a party?- science jokes

It invites all the stars.

56. Why did the neutron go to therapy?

Why did the neutron go to therapy?- science jokes

It was having a meltdown.

57. What did the quantum physicist say to the stressed-out student?

What did the quantum physicist say to the stressed-out student?

“Don’t worry, it’s all relative.”

58. Why can’t physicists use the phone?

Why can’t physicists use the phone?- science jokes

Because they can’t handle the static.

59. Why did the physicist bring a ladder to class?

Why did the physicist bring a ladder to class?

To reach new heights in learning.

60. How does a physicist stay warm?

How does a physicist stay warm?

They stand next to an absolute zero.

General Science Jokes

61. How do you cut the sea in half?

How do you cut the sea in half? With a sea-saw.- science jokes

With a sea-saw.

62. What do computers like to eat?

What do computers like to eat? Chips.- science jokes


63. What can run but cannot walk?

Science jokes: What can run but cannot walk? Water.


64. Why did the scientist take out his doorbell?

Why did the scientist take out his doorbell? He wanted to win the no-bell prize.- science jokes

He wanted to win the no-bell prize.

65. Why didn’t the skeleton go to the ball?

Why didn't the skeleton go to the ball? Because he had no BODY to go with.

Because it had no body to go with.

66. What kind of hair do oceans have?

Science jokes: What kind of hair do oceans have? Wavy hair.- science jokes

Wavy hair.

67. What kind of tree can fit into your hand?

What kind of tree can fit into your hand? A palm tree.

A palm tree.

68. Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?

Why didn't the skeleton cross the road? He didn’t have the guts.- science jokes

He didn’t have the guts.

69. Why did the cloud date the fog?

Science jokes: Why did the cloud date the fog? Because he was so down to earth.- science jokes

Because he was so down to earth.

70. What did the thermometer say to the graduated cylinder?

What did the thermometer say to the graduated cylinder? You may have graduated, but I have more degrees.

You may have graduated, but I have more degrees.

71. Which type of books are the hardest to get through?

Which type of books are the hardest to get through? Friction books.- science jokes

Friction books.

72. How does a scientist freshen her breath?

How does a scientist freshen her breath? With experi-mints!

With experi-mints!

73. What is a tornado’s favorite game to play?

Science jokes: What is a tornado’s favorite game to play? Twister!- science jokes


74. What do you call it when your science teacher lowers your grade?

Example of science jokes: What do you call it when your science teacher lowers your grade? Bio-degraded.- science jokes


75. Why can you never trust atoms?

Example of science jokes: Why can you never trust atoms? They make up everything.

They make up everything.

76. Why is the ocean so salty?

Science jokes: Why is the ocean so salty? The land never waves back.- science jokes

The land never waves back.

77. What did the science book say to the math book?

Example of science jokes: What did the science book say to the math book? You’ve got problems.

You’ve got problems.

78. What sound does a subatomic duck make?

What sound does a subatomic duck make? Quark.- science jokes


79. What do you call a bunch of iron atoms at a carnival?

Science jokes: What do you call a bunch of iron atoms at a carnival? A ferrous wheel.

A ferrous wheel.

80. What type of fish is made of two sodium atoms?

What type of fish is made of two sodium atoms?

2 Na.

81. Why are scientists so neat?

Why are scientists so neat?- science jokes

They’re all about clean experiments.

82. Why did the scientist bring string to the lab?

Why did the scientist bring string to the lab?

To tie up some loose ends.

83. What do you get when you cross a scientist with a baker?

What do you get when you cross a scientist with a baker?- science jokes

Mixed results.

84. Why did the scientist take up gardening?

Why did the scientist take up gardening?

They heard it was a matter of growth.

85. What’s a biologist’s favorite instrument?

What’s a biologist’s favorite instrument?- science jokes

A cell-o.

86. How does a chemist explain having a temper tantrum?

How does a chemist explain having a temper tantrum?

Sorry, I just reached my boiling point.

87. Why can’t you trust an atom’s story?

 Why can’t you trust an atom’s story?- science jokes

It’s full of half-lives.

88. Why did the photon say it was “just passing through”?

Why did the photon say it was “just passing through”?

It was traveling light.

89. Why did the engineer break up with the physicist?

Why did the engineer break up with the physicist?- science jokes

She just had too much potential energy.

90. Why did the scientist break up with their telescope?

Why did the scientist break up with their telescope?

They just couldn’t see eye to eye.

91. Why did the biologist bring a ladder to class?

Why did the biologist bring a ladder to class?- science jokes

To help their students reach new heights.

92. How does the moon cut its hair?

 How does the moon cut its hair?

Eclipse it.

93. Why did the bacteria fail their math test?

Why did the bacteria fail their math test?- science jokes

They couldn’t multiply.

94. What did one DNA strand say to the other?

What did one DNA strand say to the other?

“Stop copying me!”

Science Puns

95. Let’s go! It’s time to get up and atom.

 Let's go! It's time to get up and atom.- science jokes

96. This is a once in a lifetime photon opportunity.

This is a once in a lifetime photon opportunity.

97. I break for fission chips.

 I break for fission chips.- science jokes

98. You’re as molecule as a cucumber.

You're as molecule as a cucumber.

99. Gravity really keeps me grounded.

Gravity really keeps me grounded.- science jokes

100. Oh chemis-tree, o-chemis-tree, how lovely are thy branches.

Oh chemis-tree, o-chemis-tree, how lovely are thy branches.

101. The river is moving flowly but surely.

The river is moving flowly but surely.- science jokes

102. I was boron ready to study chemistry.

I was boron ready to study chemistry.

103. Do I have to cell out everything for you?

Do I have to cell out everything for you?- science jokes

104. These leftovers are past their cell-by date.

These leftovers are past their cell-by date.

105. Don’t go earth-quaking my heart.

Don't go earth-quaking my heart.- science jokes

106. Think outside the Bunsen burner.

Think outside the Bunsen burner.

107. It’s all relativity to me.

 It's all relativity to me- science jokes.

108. We’re mixing it up in the lab of luxury!

We're mixing it up in the lab of luxury!- science jokes

109. Don’t let me amp your style.

Don't let me amp your style.

110. Electricity is charger than life.

Electricity is charger than life.- science jokes

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Plus, if you loved these science jokes, make sure to check out our favorite math jokes and history jokes.

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